The meaning of ‘Aloha’
Here at Scott Hawaii we’re always encouraging people to spread aloha to the world. But what does Aloha mean?
“Aloha is a way of life”
Aloha is more than just a simple greeting or farewell phrase. Many people say aloha as hello, goodbye, or love. In the Hawaiian language [Alo] means ‘presence’ and [Ha] means ‘breath’. Aloha translates to The breath of life.
Locals who grew up in Hawai’i or have lived on the islands for a long time would say that aloha has many meanings, deeper than just a greeting. If you were to ask someone in Hawai’i, “What does Aloha mean to you?” you will receive many different answers.
A word with deep significance
The word Aloha has a deeper cultural and spiritual significance to Native Hawaiians. Aloha is a term to define a force that holds together existence. It’s treating everyone you meet as if they were your ‘ohana (family). The word Aloha represents- love, respect, peace, affection, acceptance, kindness, and compassion.
ALOHA- Acronym
Akahi - Kindness, expressed with tenderness
Lokahi - Unity, expressed with harmony
‘Olu’olu - Agreeable, expressed with pleasantness
Ha’aha’a - Humility, expressed with modesty
Ahonui - Patience, expressed with perseverance
A symbol of Hawaiian culture
Aloha is the true meaning and symbol of Hawaiian culture and lifestyle. It is to show kindness, unity, humility, and patience…. To live in harmony. It binds together the love we have for one another, and our respect for our ‘Aina (land). Here in Hawai’i, we strive to live in harmony with our neighbors and our environment.
The History of Aloha
Hawai’i legend Duke Kahanamoku, known as an Aloha Ambassador lived life by many codes of values. He embodied the giving, humbleness, and respectful manner which became shared as his values known as Duke’s Creed. His creed has come to represent the Spirit of Aloha and to this day continues to inspire and impact new generations to look at life by always giving Aloha.
Here is a portrait of the late Duke Kahanamoku Creed of Aloha which is displayed on the wall in Scott Hawaii showroom.
Dukes Creed of Aloha: “In Hawaii we greet friends, loved ones, or strangers with “Aloha”, which means with love. Aloha is the key word to universal spirit of real hospitality, which makes Hawaii renowned as the world’s center of understanding and fellowship. Try meeting or leaving people with Aloha. You’ll be surprised by their reaction. I believe it, and it is my creed.”
Living Aloha is a way of life, embracing the Aloha spirit in everything we do.
Live each day with Aloha and spread Aloha to the world!